Use a custom domain for your Instatus page

Use your own custom domain for your status page. You may use something like or SSL certificate is automatically generated for you ✨

  1. Login to your status page

Login to your status page at Then, select your status page.

  1. Upgrade to Pro

Using your custom domain is a Pro feature. If you're not on a Pro plan, click Upgrade on your status page navigation.

Switch plan
  1. Add your custom domain

On your page's dashboard, go to Settings and select Domains from the sub-menu. Add your custom domain and click save.

Domains tab in settings page
  1. Setup your DNS

A DNS configuration will be displayed when you save your custom domain. Add the configuration record that appears on the domain settings page to your DNS provider. Typically, it will look like this:

statuscname.instatus.comLeave the default

You can do this on most registrars by doing the following steps:

  • Go to your domain settings page.
  • Manage DNS.
  • Add a record.
  • Choose CNAME record type.
  • Choose the HOST. Typically status, but you can choose any host, and it'll be your subdomain.
  • Points to will be:
  • Leave the TTL as the default value

If your domain is using Cloudflare's Nameservers and you plan to use it as a custom domain on your status page, you may need some minor steps to ensure the domain will work correctly. Here are specific instructions for Cloudflare

Congrats! You can now start to use your custom domain 🚀

The first visit may take a bit to load, then it'll work perfectly!