Status Pages API Reference

Get your status pages


GET /v2/pages?page=:page&per_page=:per_page
  • The default page number is 1.
  • The default per_page number is 50 and the maximum is 100 items per page.

Example response:

"id": "ckf01fonve9i40a32oas5b0uw",
"subdomain": "nasa",
"name": "Nasa",
"logoUrl": null,
"faviconUrl": null,
"websiteUrl": null,
"customDomain": null,
"publicEmail": null,
"twitter": null,
"status": "UP",
"subscribeBySms": null,
"language": "en",
"useLargeHeader": true,
"brandColor": "#111",
"okColor": "rgba(51, 177, 126, 1)",
"disruptedColor": null,
"degradedColor": null,
"downColor": null,
"noticeColor": null,
"unknownColor": null,
"googleAnalytics": null,
"smsService": null,
"htmlInMeta": null,
"htmlAboveHeader": null,
"htmlBelowHeader": null,
"htmlAboveFooter": null,
"htmlBelowFooter": null,
"htmlBelowSummary": null,
"launchDate": null,
"cssGlobal": null,
"onboarded": null,
"createdAt": "2020-09-12T19:03:48.379Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-09-12T19:04:03.731Z"

Create a status page


POST /v1/pages

Example request:

"email": "",
"name": "Nasa",
"subdomain": "nasa",
"components": ["Website", "App", "API"],
"logoUrl": "",
"faviconUrl": "",
"websiteUrl": "",
"language": "en",
"useLargeHeader": true,
"brandColor": "#111",
"okColor": "#33B17E",
"disruptedColor": "#FF8C03",
"degradedColor": "#ECC94B",
"downColor": "#DC123D",
"noticeColor": "#70808F",
"unknownColor": "#DFE0E1",
"googleAnalytics": "UA-00000000-1",
"subscribeBySms": true,
"smsService": "twilio",
"twilioSid": "YOUR_TWILIO_SID",
"twilioToken": "YOUR_TWILIO_TOKEN",
"twilioSender": "YOUR_TWILIO_SENDER",
"esendexUsername": "YOUR_ESENDEX_USERNAME",
"esendexPassword": "YOUR_ESENDEX_PASSWORD",
"esendexAccountRef": "YOUR_ESENDEX_ACCOUNT_REF",
"nexmoKey": null,
"nexmoSecret": null,
"nexmoSender": null,
"htmlInMeta": null,
"htmlAboveHeader": null,
"htmlBelowHeader": null,
"htmlAboveFooter": null,
"htmlBelowFooter": null,
"htmlBelowSummary": null,
"cssGlobal": null,
"launchDate": null,
"dateFormat": "MMMMMM d, yyyy",
"dateFormatShort": "MMM yyyy",
"timeFormat": "p"

Example response:

"id": "ckg8auvrglcx309501fcjb2vl",
"createdAt": "2020-10-13T18:29:25.708Z",
"subdomain": "nasa",
"logoUrl": null,
"faviconUrl": null,
"websiteUrl": null,
"name": "Nasa",
"status": "UP",
"color": null,
"language": null,
"googleAnalytics": null,
"publicEmail": null,
"customDomain": null,
"useLargeHeader": true,
"disableDarkMode": null,
"twitter": null,
"subscribeBySms": null,
"brandColor": null,
"okColor": null,
"disruptedColor": null,
"downColor": null,
"degradedColor": null,
"noticeColor": null,
"htmlInMeta": null,
"htmlAboveHeader": null,
"htmlBelowHeader": null,
"htmlAboveFooter": null,
"htmlBelowFooter": null,
"htmlBelowSummary": null,
"cssGlobal": null,
"onboarded": null,
"launchDate": null,
"dateFormat": "MMMMMM d, yyyy",
"dateFormatShort": "MMM yyyy",
"timeFormat": "p",
"private": false,
"useAllowList": false,
"allowList": [],
"components": [
"id": "ckg8auwlzlcxd09506r3g6y8z",
"name": "Website",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"order": null,
"group": null,
"incidents": []
"id": "ckg8auwv7lcxm09506jjate2o",
"name": "App",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"order": null,
"group": null,
"incidents": []
"id": "ckg8aux4oo3ik0a35parnbunk",
"name": "API",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"order": null,
"group": null,
"incidents": []

Update a status page


PUT /v2/:page_id

Example request:

"id": "ckg8auvrglcx309501fcjb2vl",
"name": "Nasa",
"status": "UP",
"subdomain": "nasa",
"logoUrl": "",
"faviconUrl": "",
"websiteUrl": "",
"language": "en",
"publicEmail": "",
"useLargeHeader": true,
"brandColor": "#111",
"okColor": "#33B17E",
"disruptedColor": "#FF8C03",
"degradedColor": "#ECC94B",
"downColor": "#DC123D",
"noticeColor": "#70808F",
"unknownColor": "#DFE0E1",
"googleAnalytics": "UA-00000000-1",
"subscribeBySms": true,
"smsService": "twilio",
"twilioSid": "YOUR_TWILIO_SID",
"twilioToken": "YOUR_TWILIO_TOKEN",
"twilioSender": "YOUR_TWILIO_SENDER",
"esendexUsername": "YOUR_ESENDEX_USERNAME",
"esendexPassword": "YOUR_ESENDEX_PASSWORD",
"esendexAccountRef": "YOUR_ESENDEX_ACCOUNT_REF",
"nexmoKey": null,
"nexmoSecret": null,
"nexmoSender": null,
"htmlInMeta": null,
"htmlAboveHeader": null,
"htmlBelowHeader": null,
"htmlAboveFooter": null,
"htmlBelowFooter": null,
"htmlBelowSummary": null,
"cssGlobal": null,
"launchDate": null,
"dateFormat": "MMMMMM d, yyyy",
"dateFormatShort": "MMM yyyy",
"timeFormat": "p",
"private": false,
"useAllowList": false,
"translations": {
"name": {
"fr": "nasa"

Example response:

"id": "ckg8auvrglcx309501fcjb2vl",
"createdAt": "2020-10-13T18:29:25.708Z",
"subdomain": "nasa",
"name": "Nasa",
"status": "UP",
"logoUrl": null,
"faviconUrl": null,
"websiteUrl": null,
"color": null,
"language": null,
"googleAnalytics": null,
"publicEmail": "",
"customDomain": null,
"useLargeHeader": true,
"disableDarkMode": null,
"twitter": null,
"subscribeBySms": null,
"brandColor": null,
"okColor": null,
"disruptedColor": null,
"downColor": null,
"degradedColor": null,
"noticeColor": null,
"htmlInMeta": null,
"htmlAboveHeader": null,
"htmlBelowHeader": null,
"htmlAboveFooter": null,
"htmlBelowFooter": null,
"htmlBelowSummary": null,
"cssGlobal": null,
"onboarded": null,
"launchDate": null,
"dateFormat": "MMMMMM d, yyyy",
"dateFormatShort": "MMM yyyy",
"timeFormat": "p",
"private": false,
"useAllowList": false,
"allowList": [],
"components": [
"id": "ckg8auwlzlcxd09506r3g6y8z",
"name": "Website",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"order": null,
"group": null,
"incidents": []
"id": "ckg8auwv7lcxm09506jjate2o",
"name": "App",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"order": null,
"group": null,
"incidents": []
"id": "ckg8aux4oo3ik0a35parnbunk",
"name": "API",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"order": null,
"group": null,
"incidents": []
"translations": {
"name": {
"fr": "nasa"

Delete a status page


DELETE /v2/:page_id

Example response:

"id": "ckf1d4f6a4aaf0a356vqg0rdm"