Monitors API Reference

Possible Values for fields

Monitor Location

US_EAST_1N. Virginia

Monitor Alert Types

INCIDENTIncident alert
EMAILEmail alert
SMSSMS alert
SLACKSlack alert
DISCORDDiscord alert
MICROSOFT_TEAMSMicrosoft Teams alert
PHONE_CALLPhone call alert
WEBHOOKWebhook alert

Check Inserted Logs


GET /monitors/check_inserted_logs

Example request

GET /monitors/check_inserted_logs

Example response

"message": "10 logs inserted in the last five minutes"

Get Monitors

You can use this endpoint to find and navigate through a list of all the existing monitors.


GET /:page_id/monitors

Query Parameters

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
limitnumber100The number of monitors per page.
searchstringnullSearch term for filtering results.
statusenumnullStatus filter ('UP', 'DOWN', 'UNKNOWN', 'DEGRADED').

Example request

GET /1/monitors?limit=3&page=2&status=DOWN

Example response

"monitors": [
{...monitor objects}
total: 10,
page: 3,
totalPages: 5,
limit: 2

Create a Monitor


POST /monitors

Example request

"pageId": "page123",
"url": "",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"body": null,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer token"
"queryParams": {
"search": "test",
"limit": "10"
"basicAuth": {
"username": "user",
"password": "password"
"type": "HTTP",
"assertions": [
"id": "assertion1",
"type": "STATUS_CODE",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"selector": null,
"value": "200"
"alerts": ["alert-id-1", "alert-id-2"],
"name": "Example Monitor",
"locations": "US_EAST_1",
"checksInterval": 300,
"createComponent": true,
"createMetric": true,
"onFail": {
"createIncident": true,
"createOutageDuration": true,
"publishIncident": true,
"notifySubscribers": true
"onRecover": {
"resolveIncident": true,
"resolveOutageDuration": true,
"publishIncident": true,
"notifySubscribers": true

Example response

"monitor": {
"pageId": "page123",
"url": "",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"body": null,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer token"
"queryParams": {
"search": "test",
"limit": "10"
"basicAuth": {
"username": "user",
"password": "password"
"type": "HTTP",
"assertions": [
"id": "assertion1",
"type": "STATUS_CODE",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"selector": null,
"value": "200"
"alerts": ["alert1", "alert2"],
"name": "Example Monitor",
"locations": "US_EAST_1",
"checksInterval": 300,
"createComponent": true,
"createMetric": true,
"onFail": {
"createIncident": true,
"createOutageDuration": true,
"publishIncident": true,
"notifySubscribers": true
"onRecover": {
"resolveIncident": true,
"resolveOutageDuration": true,
"publishIncident": true,
"notifySubscribers": true
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z"
"message": "Monitor created successfully"

Update a Monitor


PUT /monitors/:id

Example request

"url": "",
"name": "Updated Monitor Name"

Example response

"monitor": {
"pageId": "page123",
"url": "",
"httpMethod": "GET",
"body": null,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer token"
"queryParams": {
"search": "test",
"limit": "10"
"basicAuth": {
"username": "user",
"password": "password"
"type": "HTTP",
"assertions": [
"id": "assertion1",
"type": "STATUS_CODE",
"comparison": "EQUALS",
"selector": null,
"value": "200"
"alerts": ["alert1", "alert2"],
"name": "Updated Monitor Name",
"locations": "US_EAST_1",
"checksInterval": 300,
"createComponent": true,
"createMetric": true,
"onFail": {
"createIncident": true,
"createOutageDuration": true,
"publishIncident": true,
"notifySubscribers": true
"onRecover": {
"resolveIncident": true,
"resolveOutageDuration": true,
"publishIncident": true,
"notifySubscribers": true
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z"
"message": "Monitor created successfully"

Delete a Monitor


DELETE /monitors/:id

Example request

DELETE /monitors/monitor-id-1

Example response

"message": "Monitor deleted successfully."

Get Monitor Logs


GET /monitors/:id/logs

Query Parameters

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
limitnumber100The number of items per page. Cannot exceed 1000.
pagenumber1The page number to retrieve.
monitorIdstring-The ID of the monitor.
locationstringnullThe location of the monitor.
createdAtstring | object | numbernullThe creation date. Can be a string, a number, or an object with gte and lte fields.
isSuccessfulbooleannullWhether the check was successful.
isSSLCheckbooleannullWhether the check is an SSL check.
httpStatusCodestringnullThe HTTP status code of the response.
status('UP', 'DOWN', 'UNKNOWN', 'DEGRADED')nullThe status of the monitor.
dnsTimestring | number | objectnullTime taken for DNS resolution.
tcpTimestring | number | objectnullTime taken for TCP connection.
tlsTimestring | number | objectnullTime taken for TLS handshake.
firstByteTimestring | number | objectnullTime taken for the first byte to be received.
downloadTimestring | number | objectnullTime taken for the download.
responseTimestring | number | objectnullTotal response time.
performanceTimestring | number | objectnullPerformance time.
accessabilityScorestring | number | objectnullAccessibility score.
seoScorestring | number | objectnullSEO score.
bestPracticesScorestring | number | objectnullBest practices score.
successfulAssertionsstring | number | objectnullNumber of successful assertions.
sortstringchronologicallyField to sort by.

Example request

GET /monitors/monitor-id-1/logs?limit=100&page=1

Example response

"monitorLogs": [
// {monitor log object},
// {monitor log object 2}
"total": 478,
"page": 1,
"totalPages": 5,
"limit": 100

Run Monitor Check by ID


GET /monitors/:id/run

Query Parameters

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
location'US_EAST_1', 'EU_CENTRAL_1', 'AP_NORTHEAST_1', 'AP_SOUTHEAST_2'-The location of the monitor. Must be one of the specified values.
retrybooleanfalseIndicates whether the operation should be retried. Optional.
monitorLogIdstringnullThe unique identifier of the monitor log. Optional.

Example request

GET /monitors/monitor-id-1/run?monitorId=abc123&location=US_EAST_1&retry=true&monitorLogId=log456

Example response

"status": "success",
"message": "Monitor check run successfully."

Create Monitor Alert


POST /monitor-alerts

Example request

"type": "EMAIL",
"pageId": "page123",
"recipient": "",
"recipientWorkspace": "workspace123",
"whenFails": true,
"whenRecovers": true,
"whenDegrades": false,
"whenSslExpires": true,
"sslExpiresInDays": 30,
"monitors": ["monitor1", "monitor2"],
"metadata": "Additional information about the alert"

Example response

"monitor": {
"id": "alert123",
"siteId": "site123",
"type": "EMAIL",
"recipient": "",
"whenFails": true,
"whenRecovers": true,
"whenDegrades": false,
"whenSslExpires": true,
"sslExpiresInDays": 30,
"monitors": [{ "id": "monitor1" }, { "id": "monitor2" }],
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z",
"metadata": "Additional information about the alert"
"message": "Monitor Alert created successfully"

Update Monitor Alert


PUT /monitor-alerts/:id

Example request

"type": "EMAIL",
"monitors": ["monitor-1-id", "monitor-2-id", "monitor-3-id"]

Example response

"monitor": {
"type": "EMAIL",
"pageId": "page123",
"recipient": "",
"recipientWorkspace": "workspace123",
"whenFails": true,
"whenRecovers": true,
"whenDegrades": false,
"whenSslExpires": true,
"sslExpiresInDays": 30,
"monitors": ["monitor-1-id", "monitor-2-id"],
"metadata": "Additional information about the alert"
"message": "Monitor alert updated successfully."

Get Monitor Alerts


GET /:page_id/monitor-alerts

Query Parameters

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
limitnumber100The number of items per page.
pagenumber1The page number to retrieve.

Example request

GET /1/monitor-alerts?limit=2&page=3

Example response

"monitorAlerts": [
{...monitor alert objects}
total: 27,
page: 3,
totalPages: 14,
limit: 2

Delete Monitor Alert


DELETE /monitor-alerts/:id

Example request

DELETE /monitor-alerts/alert-id-1

Example response

"message": "Monitor alert deleted successfully."

Create Monitor Group


POST /monitors-groups

Example request

"pageId": "page123",
"name": "Example Name",
"childId": "child456"

Example response

"monitor": {
"id": "group123",
"name": "Example Name",
"siteId": "site123",
"collapsed": false,
"monitors": [{ "id": "monitor1" }, { "id": "monitor2" }],
"groupId": "parentGroup123",
"children": [
{ "id": "childGroup1", "name": "Child Group 1" },
{ "id": "childGroup2", "name": "Child Group 2" }
"order": 1,
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z",
"parents": ["parent1", "parent2"],
"componentId": "component123"
"message": "Monitor group created successfully."

Update Monitor Group


PUT /monitors-groups/:id

Example request

"name": "Updated Monitor Group Name"

Example response

"monitor": {
"id": "group123",
"name": "Updated Monitor Group Name",
"siteId": "site123",
"collapsed": true,
"monitors": [{ "id": "monitor1" }, { "id": "monitor2" }],
"groupId": "parentGroup123",
"children": [
{ "id": "childGroup1", "name": "Child Group 1" },
{ "id": "childGroup2", "name": "Child Group 2" }
"order": 1,
"createdAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-08T12:00:00Z",
"parents": ["parent1", "parent2"],
"componentId": "component123"
"message": "Monitor group updated successfully."

Delete Monitor Group


DELETE /monitors-groups/:id

Example request

DELETE /monitors-groups/group-id-1

Example response

"message": "Monitor group deleted successfully."

Add Monitors to Group


POST /monitors-groups/:id/monitors

Example request

"monitors": ["monitor1", "monitor2", "monitor3"]

Example response

"message": "Monitors added to the group successfully."

Run Monitor Group Check


GET /monitors-groups/:id/run

Query Parameters

ParameterTypeDefault ValueDescription
location'US_EAST_1', 'EU_CENTRAL_1', 'AP_NORTHEAST_1', 'AP_SOUTHEAST_2'-The location of the monitor. Must be one of the specified values.
retrybooleanfalseIndicates whether the operation should be retried. Optional.
monitorLogIdstringnullThe unique identifier of the monitor log. Optional.

Example request

GET /monitors-groups/group-id-1/run

Example response

"result": "OK",
"monitorLogId": "monitor-log-id-1"